Frequently asked questions
Is Preston Palace wheelchair friendly?
Preston Palace is wheelchair-friendly. Everything is easily accessible by wheelchair and we will give you as much information as possible about our hotel and entertainment centre in the answer below. If, after reading this, you would still like to come and see the situation in person, please make an appointment for a tour. Please contact the Reservations Department by telephone on +31546542121.
Almost the entire building is barrier-free and there are three lifts to reach the various floors with hotel rooms. Disabled toilets are available in the hotel restaurant, the entertainment centre and the subtropical swimming paradise.
Preston Palace has 8 hotel rooms for the disabled (Classic type). These rooms have wide doors (95 cm) so that you can easily enter in a wheelchair. The shower is spacious, without thresholds or a shower tray. The toilet has grab rails. There is a support bar along the shower wall and a shower chair. The washbasin is lowered so you can reach it with a wheelchair and the mirror can be tilted. The light switches on and off automatically. The beds are 60 cm high. Through us, you can request a toilet raiser and brackets in the bathroom. Any other aids can also be ordered through your own care institution, and you will have to arrange for nursing care yourself. When booking, you should indicate that you wish to make use of a disabled hotel room. Disabled hotel rooms can only be booked by telephone by calling +31546542121.
The hotel restaurant Ribbleton has wide aisles between the tables and at the buffet. This makes it easy to move around the entire restaurant. A toilet for the disabled is also available here. If, due to your physical disability, you would like a table close to the buffet, you can reserve a table in the hotel restaurant Ribbleton at the hotel reception.
Black rock and Preston Hall are barrier-free. There are paved paths in the entertainment centre, with a small step down to seating areas and gaming facilities such as snooker and pool tables. These are easily accessible. At the miniature golf is a step down and limited space at the miniature golf courses. The bowling lanes are situated in an old mine shaft and are on an elevation of three steps. Once at the bowling lanes, you can get back into your wheelchair and the bowling lanes are easy to use from your wheelchair. A special rack is also available on site to make bowling even easier.
At Boardwalk indoor fairground, the bumper cars are on the first floor, accessible only by stairs. The other attractions are on the ground floor. Before entering these attractions (such as Octopus, Energy Storm), there is a small step to take a seat in the respective attraction.
Riviera subtropical swimming paradise is accessible by a generous entrance at the pool reception. Here, too, there is a disabled toilet with a spacious changing room. The pool is accessed by wide steps with handrails. The whirlpools, sauna and steam bath have steps.